
The Outsourcing Concept is the most comprehensive concept we can offer you. Actually we take over your complete packaging management.
It includes everything; from know-how, financing your stock, JIT delivery, all logistic handling and so on. We will act as your Packaging Control Centre.
The main goal: to relieve you from all side-issues (such as packaging management) and enable you to fully focus on your core-business.
This concept is of the highest added value, especially if you want to implement Lean Manufacturing principles within your production process. We align our packaging management to your Lean principles. You will benefit from all T(otal) C(ost) of O(wnership) savings we will achieve by intertwining our mutual input to a beneficial partnership with significant bottom line results for your company.


With this concept we have a delivery performance of 99,6% with the following characteristics:


  • Delivery on time, within 24 hours after order

  • Delivery in full (required quantity of each ordered item)

  • Delivery at the right address/door/entrance

  • Delivery of all goods according to agreed specifications

  • All of the above completed with the right documents



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Outsourcing concept